Monday, 21 November 2011

The History of Vinegar and Countless Ways It Has Been Used From Ancient to Modern Times

Despite vinegar being present in virtually every home, in the kitchen for example for flavouring food, or in the bathroom for removing bad smells from plugholes and shower heads, the fact remains that few people understand how and where vinegar developed as one of the most useful ingredients in any family home. Many people think vinegar originated in China, about 2,000 years B.C., when unconsumed fruit and wine left untouched was found to eventually turn into sour wine. Another theory is that vinegar originated in France when a cask of wine found having gone off during storage was found to have other uses, not only for drinking or flavouring food. Some people consider the latter explanation more plausible than the first, because the name 'vinegar' originates from 'vin aigre' which is French for sour wine. But that explanation is by no means universally acceptable and many other theories exist alongside.


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